

♢♢ Note: I and others entered into a securities transaction with Provectus in March 2017.

PV-10 (Rose Bengal) Clinical Value Proposition: A blog post first authored March 13, 2012, and later revised April 18, 2012, May 28, 2012 and December 8, 2014.
Click to enlarge.
PVCT: A blog post authored May 13, 2014 (click on the link to access the presentation).

PV-10, and the Cancer Immunity Cycle: A blog post authored July 16, 2014 (click on the link to access the presentation). See below: An updated perspective on this may be found in Provectus' BioPharma Asia Convention presentation on March 23, 2016 entitled "Altering T cells and induced tumor-specific immunity via PV-10 ablation" (see the blog's Disclosure page on this topic).

Industry/Investor Conference Presentations: (see the blog's Disclosure page on this topic)
  • Rose Bengal: A first-in-class halogenated xanthene with unique therapeutic properties for fighting cancer and inflammatory dermatoses: May 2016 CHINABIO Partnering Forum
  • Rose Bengal: Small Molecule Ablative Immunotherapy

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