June 2, 2013

How $PVCT's PV-10 Works

A blog reader sent me a link to a 2010 press release issued by Mentor Capital when it added Provectus to its Cancer Immunotherapy Index. Thank you. I thought the explanation of how PV-10 works was interesting.
"In the Provectus treatment regime, these lesions are injected with PV-10, a very specialized version of the red dye, Rose Bengal, that ophthalmologists use to test for corneal scratches because it is preferentially absorbed by damaged cells. The smooth lipid layer of healthy cell membranes excludes the Rose Bengal product like wax paper sheds water. Cancerous cells are often physically or chemically irregular and the PV-10 penetrates into the cell as water would find its way through the thinner creases in wax paper that has been tightly crumpled. Because of PH differences, the cancerous cells continue to uptake more and more PV-10, which is further pulled into lysosomes (cell stomachs) until these rupture, leading to a complete rupture of the cancer cell. 
The cold cell rupture casts whole cancer protein fragments adrift that have not been chemically modified by heat, chemicals or radiation. These unaltered cancer fragments in the otherwise healthy tissue excite an immune response to those cancer proteins in the lesion location. When a piece of cancer protein is passed to a killer T-Cell, that T-Cell will spend the rest of its days bouncing through the blood stream looking to match up that protein once more and attack. 
If the T-Cell does find another matching cancer protein on the surface of a Melanoma cell that has slipped away, it latches on. Then the T-Cell secretes perforin which punches holes in the cell membrane allowing the cytoplasm to ooze out. Enzymes are injected that dissolve the mitochondria that power cell functions, and finally, granzymes are injected that chop up the DNA in the nucleus like a molecular Pac-Man."

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