April 15, 2013

$PVCT: Big Pharma Interest

This blog is one of the primary sources of information about Provectus. 

The blog can see, among several other things, where visitors come from (e.g., IP address, city, state/region, country, etc.) and how often they stay and read (page views, visits, visit lengths, etc.). Anytime you visit any destination on the world wide web, you are being tracked. Unless you use something like Tor to protect your privacy.

About 10 days ago I speculated about Daiichi Sankyo interest in PV-10. Why? Because...

First, folks from Daiichi Sankyo ("DS") in Japan visited multiple times and spent many, many hours on the blog. These visitors' IP address(es) originated from the pharmaceutical company's headquarters in Tokyo.

Then, folks from DS in the U.S. visited the blog. These visitors' IP address(es) originated from the pharmaceutical company's U.S. headquarters in Parsippany, New Jersey.

So, I began connecting dots available to connect; those above, and others. I think DS has been informal (formal, in this context, means one engages the target company) doing due diligence on Provectus. Why? For one thing, simple activities like scouring web-based sources of information and data is merely one way of doing due diligence on a target, without directly engaging the entity in which you're interested. If you spend a lot of time reading a blog about a biotechnology company not written by said company, you're either really bored or really interested. For another, historical information about Daiichi Sankyo does suggest they can and will do global licenses. DS is a global Big Pharma company, with additional regional interests in Japan and India (through Rambaxy Laboratories) and maybe elsewhere in Asia Pacific. For example, in February 2011, Daiichi Sankyo announced its acquisition of Plexxikon for $805 million up-front and near-term milestone payments associated with the approval of PLX4032 (vemurafenib, now Zelboraf) for up to an additional $130 million. The deal closed in April.

The next course action would be to ask various questions of Provectus management and gauge their responses, should of course they respond to questions about this topic.

At his presentation in New York in March, Craig noted Provectus was in the due diligence process of a pharmaceutical company for a global license. One presumes he did so because this Big Pharma had formally approached Provectus and were in formal due diligence with the company.

Is DS in formal due diligence with Provectus yet? If so, DS would make at least two Big Pharmas with a stated interest in the company.

If one assumes Pfizer has stated interest through Dr. Eagle's presence on Provectus' corporate advisory board, that would make three Big Pharmas. 

There's a fourth. It's IP address(es) comes from...

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